Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Thankful For . . .

Harrisen has been so cute with his prayers lately. A few months ago I had to bribe him with bedtime stories to get him to even say his prayers but not anymore.

Every night when he goes to bed he makes sure we don't forget to let him say his prayer. Even when he has fallen sound asleep during family scriptures I go to lay him down and as soon as his head hits the pillow it pops back up and he says " I have to say prayer mom". This makes me so proud, but not half as proud as when I get to listen to what he says in his prayer.

"Thank you for the day, Thank you for the church, Thank you for Jesus, Thank you for my family,( then he names everyone), Thank you for my friends, (naming again), Thank you for me to go on a mission when I get bigger, Thank you for gramma and grampa to go on a mission, Thank you for my home" this goes on for several minutes and not once does he ask for anything. What a sweet little boy.

So following the example of my little boy:
Thank you for my Husband,
Thank you for my kids,
Thank you for my extended family,
Thank you for the comfortable home I have to live in,
Thank you that our family is healthy and happy,
Thank you for my friends,
Thank you for the freedoms which I enjoy,
Thank you for the cars we have to travel in,
Thank you for the trials I get to learn from,
Thank you for my callings, which help me to grow spiritually,
Thank you for good food to eat,
Thank you for the Gospel, and the way it blesses my life,
Thank you for the Temple and how close we live to it,
Thank you for looking out for me and my family
and right now most of all
Thank you for a son who teaches me by his example the way to pray.

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